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Thank You for Completing the Application

Per prime ascoltar tu uno iala

Thank You for Completing the Application

Per tutto un nuvoloso giorno d’autunno, buio e cheto, quando le nubi pendevano oppressivamente basse nei cieli, avevo traversato da solo, a cavallo, un tratto di campagna singolarmente desolato; e alfine m’ero ritrovato, al calar dell’ombre della sera, in vista della malinconica casa degli Usher.

C’era un raggelamento, uno sprofondamento, un malessere dell’animo; un’empia desolazione del pensiero che nessun pungolo dell’immaginazione riusciva a spronare verso alcunché di sublime. C’era un raggelamento, uno sprofondamento, un malessere dell’animo; un’empia desolazione del pensiero che nessun pungolo riusciva a spronare verso alcunché di sublime.

Please prepare the following documents and black out all instances of your social security number prior to sending.

Prior Year’s W-2 or Tax Return

Per tutto un nuvoloso giorno d’autunno.

Proof of Continued Income

Last two pay stubs, offer letter of new employment, etc.

Credit Report

Available at no charge from Credit Karma.

Did you know?
#1 in the Nation: Santa Cruz/Watsonville followed by #2. Salinas, #3 Santa Maria/SB, #4 Los Angeles, #5, San Luis Obispo, #6 San Jose, #9 Santa Barbara, #11, San Francisco, #12 Turlock and #14 Stockton

USAByTheNumbers — February 15, 2022 read more

Per prime ascoltar tu uno iala

What’s Next

1. Email Confirmation

Once your completed application and supporting documents have been received, you will receive an immediate email acknowledging receipt. It will then be reviewed by members of our Board. If we have questions, we may contact you so we can resolve any issues and finish the review.

2. Status Review

If the information provided on your application does not meet the criteria specified in our charter, or we have exhausted our pool of funds available, you will be notified as soon as possible that we are unable to assist you.

If your application is determined to meet our criteria and we can assist you, you will be notified as soon as possible.

3. Continuous Updates

Feel free to email us as to status.

4. Sharing Your Story

If you are provided a rental assistance grant, we ask that you email us after 60 days with an update.